13 Benefits Of Hiring An Executive Resume Writer

Is hiring an executive resume writer worth it?


(42 votes, average: 4.8 out of 5)

Last updated: April 23rd, 2024

Reading Time: 5 minutes

When you’re out of work, it feels like every penny counts. So the decision to hire a professional executive resume writer might be tough. On the one hand, hiring one can give your job application an edge over the competition.

But on the other hand, there’s no guarantee that you’ll get your money’s worth – or even that you’ll be able to find a good resume writer in time.

This blog post will examine the benefits of hiring an executive resume writing service.

13 Benefits Of Hiring A Resume Writer.

1. You Avoid Common Job Search Mistakes.

An executive resume writer knows what hiring managers are looking for and what turns them off. As an advisor in your corner, they’ll be able to help you navigate around landmines that typically trip jobseekers up.

For example, if you’re unsure whether to include details of a short stint or a job that you got fired from, a resume writer can advise you on the best practices.

2. You Impress ATS Robots.

Many recruiters now use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to help them screen resumes. These systems work by matching keywords in your resume to the job description.

If your resume doesn’t contain the right keywords, you’ll likely be filtered out of the recruitment process before human eyes see your application.

A professional resume writer can help you identify and target the right keywords for your resume.

3. You Save Time.

Crafting a stand-out resume can take days. And if you have a complicated work history or don’t possess strong writing skills, it can take even longer.

When you hire an executive resume writer, you can free up your time to focus on other job search activities, like networking and preparing for interviews.

4. You Get An Objective Perspective.

It’s hard to be unbiased about your skills and accomplishments. A resume writer can help you take a step back and assess which of your strengths are most relevant in your job market segment.

They can also help you identify any gaps in your experience that you need to address.

5. You Get A Matching Cover Letter.

Even though some controversy surrounds their use, cover letters are required in almost all job applications. But coming up with a well-written, non-generic, tailored cover letter for each job you apply to is time-consuming.

A resume writing service will often include a cover letter in their package, so you don’t have to write one from scratch.

6. You Get Good Career Advice.

Should you apply for a specific role? What should be your starting salary? How to approach recruiters?

These are tough questions that jobseekers often struggle with. An executive resume writing service like Arielle Executive will have the experience and knowledge to advise you on your career journey, not just your resume.

Avoid common job search mistakes.May end up hiring a resume mill.
Impress ATS robots.Not a magic bullet.
Save time.May blow your budget.
Get an objective perspective.Won’t impress everyone.
Get a matching cover letter.It’s a gamble.
Get good career advice.May not be necessary.
Can become your crutch.

Cons Of Hiring An Executive Resume Writer.

1. You May End Up Hiring A Resume Mill.

These businesses crank out resumes for anyone who will pay without regard for quality. If you go this route, there’s a good chance your resume will end up looking like all the others – which won’t help you stand out from the competition.

2. It’s Not A Magic Bullet.

You could spend a lot of money and still not get the desired results. Many variables are at play during a job search – not just your resume.

The hiring manager’s unspoken preferences, the company’s hiring needs, and the other job seekers who apply can all affect whether or not you get an interview.

3. You May Blow Your Budget.

Many executive resume writers charge hundreds – even thousands – of dollars for their services. This could be more than you’re able or willing to spend.

However, keep in mind that a professional resume writer could help you land a job that pays much more than the cost of their services.

4. You Won’t Impress Everyone.

The resume writing industry is not regulated and is driven by the opinions of individual writers. There is considerable disagreement about:

  • the optimal length of a resume
  • structure of achievements
  • ATS scoring methodology
  • chronological vs functional format

Because of these disagreements, it’s entirely possible for a hiring manager or a recruiter to hate a professionally written resume.

Keep this in mind. By hiring a professional resume writing service, you’re throwing your hat in the ring with one expert’s view – and it’s normal to get mixed reactions.

5. It’s A Gamble.

You might not get what you paid for. In the same way that there are bad doctors and unscrupulous mechanics, there are also executive resume writers who will take your money without delivering results.

Checking resume writing samples and company reviews will increase your chances of making a good decision. Still, it will not guarantee you won’t hire a resume mill fronting as a premium executive resume writer.

Unfortunately, in recent years the worst resume writing services have become quite good at pretending to be more upmarket than they are.

6. You Might Not Need One.

You might not need to hire a resume writer if you’re confident in your self-promotion skills. Some recruiters say they can spot a professionally-written resume a mile away – and that it doesn’t always make a good impression.

7. It Can Become Your Crutch.

A great resume won’t guarantee you a job. The best way to land your dream gig is still through networking and making connections. A resume writer can help you put your best foot forward – but they can’t open doors for you.

Is Hiring An Executive Resume Writer Worth It?

The answer to this question is complicated. On the one hand, a professionally written resume can help you stand out from the competition and land your dream job. On the other hand, you’ll need to accept some risks when hiring such a service.

Your main challenge is that the quality of professionally written resumes varies wildly.

Yet, there’s no way to predict, with a substantial degree of accuracy, what your chosen writer’s output will look like. Not until you pay for the service and see the first draft.

Samples, reviews and guarantees can help, but none are foolproof. Resume samples are often embellished, reviews can be faked, and guarantees to rewrite your resume are of little value if the writer doesn’t possess the necessary skills to elevate your resume to the right level.

The best advice I can give you is – to call the resume service and have a conversation. Then, listen to your gut.

Did you get constructive, smart career advice that made sense in your unique career situation? Or did you hear generic jargon that could apply to anyone?

Base your decision on the answer to that question.

How Much Do Executive Resume Writers Cost?

The range is extensive – from $50 to $4000. Most services will charge you several hundred dollars. Some resume writers will even charge you a few thousand dollars for their premium services.

It all depends on your needs, budget and the level of customization you require. While it’s possible to find a cheap resume writer, I would caution against going for the lowest possible price.

The resume writing industry is rife with scammers and low-quality services. If you’re looking for a quality resume writer, be prepared to pay a reasonable fee for their services.

Do Hiring Managers Frown Upon Professionally Written Resumes?

When the resume is “too good”, it’s evident that the job seeker has used a resume writer. A tiny minority of hiring managers will frown upon this due to a misguided sense of principles.

The vast majority won’t care or will view this in a positive light. Ultimately, their priority is finding the best candidate for the job, not fretting about who wrote their resume.


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